Nightowl 33

Artist, pngtuber, and general creator!
We're a system that seeks to entertain and educate along the way.
DISCORD: @nightowl33
[Content warning for serious mental health subjects, suggestive themes, and bloody/body horror imagery.]


We're Nightowl 33, a system that seeks to entertain an audience, as well as educate and share our experiences. Our goal is to help contrast the large amount of misinformation and misrepresentation of DID/OSDD, a serious mental condition type that is grossly stigmatized, romanticized, and misunderstood by much of the world today.DISCLAIMER: I am NOT a qualified mental health professional, nor an expert by any means. I'm just a collective with some knowledge and personal experiences. What I say may not apply to all systems- every system is different. Do not take my information as pure gospel. I encourage you do your own research, ask other systems for their insight, and to speak to/meet with a professional. I cannot diagnose you or tell you what you or anyone else you know is 100% for sure experiencing.-I'm a 20 year old mixed race (Asian/white) guy living in Las Vegas, Nevada. Collectively, please default to referring to us as male, he/him, as most of us are dudes. Our system name is System 33, although you may know us as our screenname: Nightowl 33. We use we/us and I/me to refer to ourselves pretty interchangeably. I am quite mentally ill, and have a slew of conditions outside of being a system, including bipolar type 1 (with manic and depressive episodes), anxiety, and ADHD. I like to be helpful and answer appropriate questions about myself and my health conditions that others may have.From a young age I knew I was bound to be an entertainer of some kind. Taking inspiration from Phisnom, we try to stream every other week and enjoy playing games on our YouTube channel. I also like being on stage, mostly performing improv skits. My real passion and life blood, however, is art. A semi-professional cartoonist and published creator, I enjoy making all kinds of stuff, from illustrated horror content to charming, cute creatures. Sometimes I make animations and mini comics. I also have a large collection of characters I doodle in my free time and my hyperfixations encourage me to draw daily. I like sharing what I create with the world and hope to inspire others.Each of us alters are our own unique people. There's about a dozen of us known currently, although most will only ever get to see a select handful of us. We're working on communicating with each other, getting to know one another, and embracing our differences! Although they may look confusing and intimidating, it's not hard to treat systems like normal people and understand they are like anyone else. Please be respectful, do your research, and ask questions.Below is some information about our main hosts, but this does not cover all of my alters. Some more are pictured in the references area. For more alter information, visit our Tumblr.

Male (He/Him) ⛧ Demon/Angel ⛧ Host

Although the system is equally everyone involved, Dutch is the main face of our online persona. Being the most widely recognized sona of ours, people tend to believe he's the only one. (System 33 also believed this before we found out we were a system. We still hide behind this appearance sometimes.) This online persona is an angel/demon hybrid made of slime, who is a master shapeshifter, and while the actual Dutch might not be entirely that, the persona still echoes a lot of parallels to the real thing, even generally resembling the body's appearance most.Dutch is an ironic unironic chronic edgelord (it can't be helped) who loves to be purposefully cringey and goofy. He's an artist with a lot of passion for what he does. He loves music, his friends, and Phisnom's oc: Phi (holding his official cesspit cringe badge proudly.) Although slogged down by his tendency to be a bit lazy, Dutch has a big heart and has a lot of interest in games and design. He is motivated by desire and loves to entertain people with his clever wit, expressiveness, and charm.

'Genderconfused' Enby (They/Them) ❅ Human ❅ Host

Compared to the others, Solice sticks out like a sore thumb. They are the only non-binary host and are quite feminine in voice and appearance. (They aren't actually confused about their gender, they just felt the label fit.) They are also ageless. And unlike the others, they prefer to keep a slightly cleaner vocabulary. Their attention span tends to be shorter than the others and they are extremely full of emotion. As consequence they are quite expressive and try to live as carefree as they can.Solice is a character full of strange tastes. They enjoy pizzas with only sauce and peanut butter smoothies among other things. In terms of their most recent physical appearance, they took large inspiration from Azazel/Loremaster (Helltaker) and share a similar sensual enthusiasm. Their theming is lots of half-and-half stuff- orange and blue, black and white, fall and winter type beat. They love EDM, eurobeat, synthpop, hardcore, and generally energetic music. They are full of an enjoyment of life and the things in it. A technical thinker and observer, this Halloween enthusiast is happy to hang out, take notes, and share their love of women.

Male (He/Him) ✦ Seraph Angel ✦ Responsibilities Host, Protector, Info Gatherer

The 'dad' of the system and truly the straight man of them all, Flick is a responsible, simplistic guy with few concerns outside of getting a grip on reality and making sure the body and head stay functioning. Fused from two alters- a sassy friend named Layna and a fatherly chap named Dan, Flick carries both of their roles, balancing his smart advice and quick retorts with a more caring, attentive side. With a generally stunted set of emotions compared to the others, he's mostly here just to do his work, whatever it may be.Flick is a sarcastic, cool detective-type who gathers information about the system. Snippy and short with words and responses, he tends to be understanding but irritable. You can tell he's around if Nightowl's using an unusually high amount of sparkle emojis. He loves vaporwave aesthetics, cats, music with lots of drums and guitar, and his signature breezy green color. As a side effect of being half made from a parental caregiver alter, he likes children more than the others and doesn't mind being seen as an uncle or "cool older friend" figure to others. He is vigilant about the system and seeks to protect and care for it. He's currently 24 years old and calls anyone younger than him "kid."

Male (He/Him) ♡ Demon(/Angel) ♡ Host, Trauma Holder, Persecutor

An alter struggling with pain, discomfort, and stress, he suffers from a broken heart and a destroyed mind. Patience is key with Moncel, for he is much more sensitive and prone to poor habits and behaviors. Although he does not mean anyone harm, he can snap at people, usually in defense of himself or due to a poor mental state. Moncel cares about those he considers dear a lot. He has a brother, another alter named Lionel. This wounded soul is quite similar to Dutch in many ways and the two can get mistaken for each other.Moncel is a creative. He loves to dip himself into anything artful he can manage; his favorite things to make being poetry, drawings, and collages. He also likes to stream. He's melodramatic, emotional, and protective of himself and the other system members; although he doesn't get along with everyone. As a persecutor he believes us/himself to be a monster- that he's a guy who only makes things worse, and has been restrained, permanently locked in chains. Inside he is hard on himself, full of self-hatred, and takes the beating for everyone else. But give Cel some room and show him some kindness and he'll happily share more of his positive aspects.


Prices are listed in $ USD (United States Dollars.)
If interested, contact me about it through any of my links (Discord is preferred)
Please read through the whole page before placing an order.

$25 - Headshot/Bust/Icon

$30 - Halfbody

$60 - Fullbody

+$5 - Lineart

+$10 - Color

+$20 - Lineless

+$20 - Shading/Rendering


  • $0 (with purchase): gradient/premade photo/pattern/transparent background (can request multiple options)

  • $15-$20: ANY simple background (can request any of the above background options alongside, if ordered in tandem with a piece)

  • *$50+: ANY complex background

$30 - Sketch page

$10 - Emote

*$30-$40+ - Ref Sheet

*$50+ - Animation

*Consultation needed. Price varies based on contents. What you see above is a base price.

- 1 free doodle sketch with every $100+ purchase! -

Terms Of ServiceIf commissioning me, you must agree to the below text.

  • I have the right to refuse anyone for any reason. I may also turn down a commission at any point during the process. Do not harass or attempt to guilt trip me if I decline you. I will not do business with you in the future if you do. (NO I do not do free commissions.)

  • Payment comes first. Once payment is received you'll be added to the queue and I'll start ASAP. Unless a different payment method is discussed and agreed upon, payment is done over Cashapp, Ko-Fi, or PayPal. Cashapp is preferred! (Payment options can also be discussed, as I am somewhat flexible.)

  • Refunds will be issued if requested, as long as the art is unfinished. Depending on how much progress has been made, your refund may only be partial. Once you have a completed product, you cannot be refunded. (A near-completed product is when the piece has progress on its last stage. Minimal refunds will be provided at this stage, not recommended.)

  • I'll send watermarked wips of your commission at various stages of progress (completed sketch(es), lineart, coloring, etc.) The final product will be sent to you first for your approval to make sure it's good. Minor tweaks can be made, but I will not do things out of reason (ie: new character or drastically different pose.) Asking for lots of small adjustments may also result in an additional fee. As the artist, I DO want the customer to be happy with what they order and my goal is to get you the piece you paid for- not lose time adjusting the same thing ten times.

  • You MAY return to request changes to your finished piece. If you have a feeling you may return for changes later, please let me know ASAP so I can be sure to keep the original file around for easier tweaking. Changes may be charged if deemed major enough.

  • I am free to use your commission as an example and post it anywhere I please. You may request your commission stay private and this will remove the public posting option, but if needed as a private example, I have the right to use my art.

  • You're free to do whatever you'd like with the art, as long as I am credited as the artist. The only exception is editing. DO NOT edit or otherwise modify the art, nor can you ask someone else to. Do not claim the art as your own. If you repost it, you must link back credit to one of my pages on this site. If I'm on a site you're posting my work to, a ping/mention/@ is also heavily appreciated! If any of these details need discussion for projects, such as team work, please contact me first.

  • I am hireable for team work (such as mod making, character design, and episodic animation work.) Details of your project MUST be discussed first and adequate pay must be provided before I begin, as proof you can finance me. If you have a team I will be working with, I must have sufficient, accessible ways to contact them. If I am using parts of their work, I must have their consent before I continue, to ensure rights protection of the artist(s) and to be sure that they are on board with your plan. I have the right to decline this work at any point in the process and refunds will be issued as needed.

What you get may vary!
Due to the nature of our semi-frequent switching, there may be slight varied unique bits in your art that may differ from alter to alter, although our skill level is about the same and these differences may be hard/impossible to spot. YOU CANNOT ASK FOR A SPECIFIC ALTER TO DRAW YOUR COMMISSION. WE CANNOT CONTROL WHO IS OUT. (This is also generally gross to do to a system.)IF someone less skilled is fronting, there may be a delay on your product where no progress will be made while they're out, as we do not want to give anything less than our best.------------When commissioning please specify as much as possible. Have references ready and be willing to clarify/add anything we ask. You are free to request anything within reason. I'm open to questions so ask away!-I can draw based on IRL photos, but I may not be able to capture things exactly. I will interpret the subject into a cartoon so if you want specific details, let me know.-My style defaults to certain stuff (such as pointy feet and sharp edges.) If you want something that differs from my style's signature details, please mention it. I cannot guarantee I will be able to do it, but I will hear you out.-SOME PATIENCE REQUIRED: For my own health and to meet my personal schedule, I will take my time on the commission as needed. I work at my own pace. You are free to ask for updates at any time/remind me, given that it's been at least a week since the last update. Do not bug me or attempt to rush me constantly. I do not appreciate it and may blacklist you from future deals. Do not panic if I do not respond right away. You'll likely have a response within 48 hours unless an emergency has occurred. IF YOU WISH TO EXPEDITE YOUR COMMISSION SO IT TAKES PRIORITY OVER OTHERS OR TO MEET A CLOSE DEADLINE, YOU WILL HAVE TO PAY AN ADDITIONAL $15-40 FEE, DEPENDING ON THE QUEUE AND ORIGINAL COMMISSION CONTENTS. Please mention this need ASAP.-If not listed in an easy-access place, the physical age of the client and/or any subject characters in your ordered art must be specified, should the client order a suggestive or otherwise inappropriate piece. Please be honest. I do not want to draw anything inappropriate of or for a minor. I do not permit things such as aging a minor character up purely for suggestive reasons when no obvious mental/physical change from their original/source age is present. If the client/subject in art is a system alter, alter age will not be counted over physical age. I do not care how sexual your oc is, how much NSFW stuff you know/have seen, if your character is a 1000 year old in a child's body, or if your 18th birthday is in a couple days; if you're under 18 years of age, I will not draw content I deem inappropriate for minor customers. Period.


  • Ocs (original characters)/irl people and pets

  • Custom comic pages

  • Pngtuber/vtuber assets and models/model parts

  • Game/media assets (please discuss this usage intent during your order)

  • Canon characters and variants of/AUs

  • Body horror/spooky/blood/mild gore/violence

  • Suggestive content (Must be an adult (18+) to order. Content is non-explicit.)

  • Ship art/shitposts/goofy art

  • Stickers/emotes for servers/personal use

  • Style mimicry (Limited. If I haven't drawn in the style before, I likely won't now)

  • Multiple characters (there IS a limit. Ask/specify what you want when ordering)

  • Collaborative work with others (with their consent)


  • NSFW/fetish/kink/sexual

  • Minors/animals/ferals in inappropriate situations

  • Serious hate/anti/offensive material

  • Extreme gore/violence

  • Suggestive content to any minor (under 18) clients

  • Characters aged up for purely inappropriate reasons with no clear mental/physical difference from their original age

  • Realism (I'm a cartoonist)

  • Complex details (I may simplify complex designs)

  • Celebrities/people you don't know

  • Mimic small-scale artists' styles

  • Animate a fucking movie alone (if you wish to hire me to work on your project, discuss details first)

  • Anything I can't/won't draw not listed here

Frequently Asked Questions (And Statements)

Q: What are you using to draw?
A: Technology: (Generally) iPad Air gen 3, Apple Pencil.
Programs: IbisPaint X, Flipaclip, miscellaneous programs/websites.
Q: How long have you been drawing?
A: I've been creating for as long as I can remember. Been seriously pursuing art for a decade, starting with traditional works around 2013. I've been drawing digital art since 2017 and animating since 2020.
Q: Who is your main art inspiration? How did you find your style?
A: Over the years I've been inspired by all sorts of things, starting with my mother in my youth, as well as my former hyperfixation on MLP: FiM. Moving into the digital phase, I was heavily inspired by a mutual known as Koala AJ on G+/ on Instagram. Later inspirations, such as DuckTales 2017, Eddsworld, and Vivziepop's works, also had a massive influence on my style, while miscellaneous artists' works helped add little things. This, along with my own natural progression and studying, got me to where I am now.
Q: Do you draw commissions (paid art)? What about requests (free art?)
A: I DO draw commissions. Prices and details are linked on this site! I do not take requests unless I decide I want to. Do NOT ask me for free art of you/your character.
Q: Can I use your work?
A: Yes. Granted you're not making anything Weird with it, just be sure to credit me properly (with my username and/or a link to my page.) If it is commissioned work, be sure to read up on the Terms Of Service on my commissions page to acknowledge what is proper use.
Q: Can I draw you, your characters, or draw something inspired by your stuff?
A: Absolutely! Please ping/mention/@ me, I'd love to see it!
Q: Are there rules for drawing you/your characters?
A: For my personas, do not depict us with NSFW/suggestive/kink/fetish material/drugs/alcohol/tattoos/practicing actual religion and stuff of the like. If it's something I won't seriously do, DO NOT DRAW IT. Do not create romantic content of us with ANYONE outside of the sona(s) of whoever we are currently dating.) Do not genderbend us/disrespect our identities, be gross with us, or treat us like fictional characters.
>For ocs, as long as it's not straight up sexual NSFW/fetish material (which I don't like or appreciate- You CAN afford to skip out and draw with similar characters that aren't mine.) I'm fine with suggestive content and works that reference sexual NSFW acts/topics as long as it's not exaggerated/oversexualized. Do not sexualize characters that are under 18 years of age or are feral/quadrupedal/animals. I do not like extreme/hyper gore either, but do not have a rule against it.
I know it's in the nature of many internet users to not respect everything and they will run around doing whatever they want. All I ask is if you DO know, please show some respect and encourage others to as well.
Q/S: Are you a real system?/You aren't a system.
A: I am a real system. If you're here to say I'm not, ask yourself a few things first:
1. Are you a qualified professional in the mental health field? Have you had the proper training to identify and analyze dissociative disorders? (If you're still going to school for it or took a psychology class, you do not qualify.)
2. Do you know me personally enough to make that call? Have you seen me in a more private setting? Do you live in my head and see things from my point of view?
3. Are you a system? Do you know what to look for in one? Do you know what they're actually like? Are you sufficiently versed in all the symptoms, knowledge, and experiences a system has? (Please watch for who you use as a valid system example.)
Q: Who is fronting currently?
A: Whoever's name is in (parenthesis) like so in my Discord display name. Other good ways to tell is based on who's avatar is present in streams/videos or who is showing up in recent self drawings. There CAN be multiple out front at once and there can be times I will not immediately know who is out, in which case I am blurry.
Q: What are your ties to Phisnom/Phil?
A: I am inspired by him in some ways. I used to be a casual supporter and fan of his work, but I do not support him anymore. He is aware of me, and while I am not officially affiliated with him to any capacity, I am still part of "The Toxic Cesspit" community he's built up. I also really like his oc, Phi, and half-joke ship myself (Dutch) with her. I draw toxic cesspit-related works and created Phee, Pho, and Phum, a goofy trio known to be canon characters in Phi's universe. We also just really like the general toxic/hazard aesthetic he's branded himself with and integrated it into our own. I am not attempting to directly mimic or rip him off.
Q: Origin of your username?
A: I'm a night owl and I like the number 3 so I put it down twice. 33. I mentally made this username many years ago, predating its first use in 2014. Most of my usernames are it or a variation of it. While questioning rebranding at times, it's always felt most like me.
Q: Why demons and angels?
A: It's always been an attractive theme. A perfect mix of good and bad. Ultimately it is something we find fitting to represent us: some generally angelic, sweet tendencies with an edgy, demonic flavor. This, combined with a skewed, black-and-white view we applied to our parents as a youth, it was only fitting we find ourselves a bit of both. On the inside, we identify strongly with demon/angel labels (for the most part) despite not exactly being angelkin/demonkin (what we experience is not angelhood/demonhood in the same way- instead quite literally being angels/demons internally.) Yes, I'm aware I'm truly only human.
Q: Your real name?
A: The name we use is undisclosed. If you are aware of this name, please do not use it. Unless we are good friends and I have entrusted you with it, I would not like it to be used, especially in public settings. This is not to be confused with our alter names. Each alter has a unique name they use to identify themselves, mostly preferring it over the body's legal name. That IS their real name.
Q: Can we be friends?
A: Probably not. Do not approach me just with the intent to befriend me. We can be mutuals if I like you and/or the stuff you make. Do not harass me or attempt to manipulate me to follow or add you on any platforms. If I have you added on Discord, we are probably NOT friends unless I say we are. I have a bunch of people added there that aren't friends.
Q/S: You blocked me. (Why?)
A: Yeah. If you're blocked I had my own reason to and that's fine. Most likely, you're someone I don't want to interact with. You may have said or done something I did not like or agree with, and I expressed my freedom and right to block you for it. Please do not try to get in contact if I have you blocked. It'll likely be met with another block.
S: I've heard something bad about you.
A: You're free to come to your own conclusions about me. That's your opinion. However, I would advise you learn all the details and fact check stuff before you develop a solid stance. If you want my perspective on anything or want to verify what actually happened (with receipts in most cases), you can ask me about it, preferably in private. If you came here to hate, for your own health, fuck off- go somewhere you actually enjoy. Do something nice for yourself, don't waste your time with negativity.
Q/S: Do you think I (or someone I know) have/has DID/OSDD?/I've thought about being a system before/think someone shows symptoms.
A: I can't answer that for you. While I possess large amounts of information about this subject, I'm not a mental health professional, thus not qualified to diagnose you either which way. I can tell you what may be dissociative, but that does, in no way, indicate systemhood or lack thereof. Please do not trauma or info dump with the expectation of an answer. Unless I express a willingness to listen, I don't want to hear about it, sorry.
If you have any serious concerns about this, see a qualified mental health professional (psychiatrist, therapist, etc.), preferably someone who specializes in dissociative disorders and processing trauma. They will be of infinitely more use to you in actual investigation and diagnosis. This is a serious condition that cannot be determined through my opinion alone, so your concern should be addressed by someone that can actually help you.
S: I have a question about something that I think you can answer.
A: I'm open to hearing it on any of my platforms I'm active on. Please be wary that I may respond quite delayed depending on the platform you use. I cannot guarantee I can help.